How do I join Congregation Beth Israel?
Joining is easy. Please contact Stephanie Shargal, Membership & Engagement Manager, at sshargal@beth-israel.org or 713-771-6221, to schedule an appointment, complete our membership application online, and look forward to incredible opportunities and relevant Jewish experiences.
When should I enroll my child in religious school?
The Miriam Browning Jewish Learning Center (MBJLC) welcomes all children, beginning at age four (4) years old, of families who are members of the congregation. Programming continues throughout childhood as children prepare to become B’nei Mitzvah. Post B’nei Mitzvah experiences for children in 8th to 12th grades occur weekly on Wednesday evenings as part of Kehillah High, our community high school program, and on Sunday mornings as part of our Madrichim program.
How do I find out about the B’nei Mitzvah program?
Contact Michael Kirstein, B’nei Mitzvah Coordinator, to learn about our B’nei Mitzvah program and securing a date for your child to become B’nei Mitzvah.
What adult learning opportunities are there?
We have learning opportunities for adults nearly every day of the week, including Shabbat. From learner’s services, Adult Hebrew classes, weekly Talmud classes, our Coffee Talk series, and visiting Scholars-in-Residence, there is something for everyone. To learn more, contact David Scott, Director of Lifelong Learning & Engagement at 713-771-6221.
What is your affiliation with The Shlenker School?
The Shlenker School is a fully accredited early childhood and elementary school program that is located on our campus. It provides an academically excellent education with integrated secular and Judaic studies for students from ages 15 months through fifth grade.
When are worship services on Friday nights?
Worship services occur weekly on Friday nights at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary or Gordon Chapel. We look forward to welcoming you.