Summer Time

Summer Time

From the desk of Rabbi David Lyon

Summer Time

After a full and meaningful year, it’s time for vacation. And, what a year it’s been. I’m grateful for the fullness of the year, the programs, worship services, and events that we’ve provided our Temple members, guests and visitors. Clergy, lay leaders, staff and administration enabled all of us to be at our best for you. Now, it’s time to recharge my batteries.

This summer, I’ll take my favorite hikes in Colorado, with family and friends. The mountain air and beautiful sights awaken my senses and inspire me deeply. I’ll also be in Israel. AIPAC’s education foundation invited me to join about 15 other rabbis, Reform and Conservative, to engage in important conversations about Israel and the region. We won’t tour familiar sights, but we will have engaging encounters with important officials on critical issues. On Shabbat, I’ll be at HUC-JIR, where my rabbinical studies began, and see friends who live nearby in Jerusalem. Look for my Facebook posts and weekly blogs to get updates on my Israel experiences.

Eventually, Lisa and I will be in New York City, for time with our grandson, Ronen. Since he was born nine months ago, I’ve visited every month for a few days to hold him and cherish him. But, this summer, a whole week together will fill me up until after the High Holy Days. A grandson is a gift, and Lisa and I feel blessed.

In-between, I’ll do essential reading and writing. My favorite spots in Colorado, Israel and New York, should provide inspiring times to read my stack of books and articles that are saved on my laptop. It’s also time to prepare my sermons for High Holy Days, outline weekly blogs, and prepare my radio podcasts. Yes, it really is vacation. To do all the things I love to do in fascinating places is not work at all. It’s the best way to prepare to come home and be at Beth Israel with you in anticipation of a wonderful New Year.

Wishing you a wonderful summer!     

Rabbi David A. Lyon is Senior Rabbi at Congregation Beth Israel in Houston, TX. Rabbi Lyon serves on the Board of Trustees of the Central Conference of American Rabbis and chairs its professional development committee. He is the author of God of Me: Imagining God Throughout Your Lifetime (Jewish Lights, 2011) available on He can be heard on “iHeart-Radio” KODA 99.1 FM every Sunday at 6:45am CST. Listeners around the greater Houston area, and now the internet, tune in to hear his words about life and its meaning from a Jewish point-of-view. Each radio program is available as a Podcast, called “Heart to Heart with Rabbi David Lyon”. Click here to listen online, or download the iHeartRadio app.